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GTP at ADAA Conference 2022!

Seventeen of the Grady Trauma Project team members attended the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference this year to discuss and present our research! Students, post-docs, staff, and faculty traveled to Denver to connect with researchers from all over the U.S.

We presented on the impacts of racism, gender differences, and neurobiology and treatment for PTSD. In total, we had 8 seminar talks and 9 poster presentations.

In addition, two of our post-docs and one of our graduate students were recognized for their impressive contributions. Emma Lathan, PhD, was a recipient of the 2022 Alies Muskin Career Development Leadership (CDLP) Program. Ceci Hinojosa, PhD, was a scholarship recipient of the BIPOC Membership Scholarship Program. And our graduate student Brandy Bernabe from the Genetics and Molecular Biology program received an Honorable Mention for Poster Focused on Diversity Topics.

It was several students first time being at an academic meeting. And Neuroscience graduate student Meghna Ravi presented her first conference talk! We had a great time and it was wonderful seeing our colleagues in person!

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